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» Spalnice (fantje)
Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeNed Okt 05, 2014 3:38 am by Natalie Aurea

» Chat & Spam
Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeSre Avg 13, 2014 7:10 am by Fenris Wolffe

» Klobuk Izbiruh
Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimePet Mar 15, 2013 8:50 am by Thomson Marley

» Oglasi & Razglasi
Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeTor Dec 04, 2012 8:42 am by Septimus Rex

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Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeSob Avg 25, 2012 8:55 am by Roseanna Scott

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Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeTor Avg 21, 2012 9:59 am by Roseanna Scott

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Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeČet Avg 16, 2012 12:15 pm by Rei Oal

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Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeSre Avg 15, 2012 6:39 pm by Alejandra Perroni

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Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimePon Avg 13, 2012 12:34 am by Niall Horan

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Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimePet Jul 27, 2012 12:20 am by Skyle Wall


 Spalnice (fantje)

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Septimus Rex
Septimus Rex

Število prispevkov : 201

Spalnice (fantje) Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeSre Mar 07, 2012 5:26 am

Spalnice Spolzgada se ponašajo s smaragdnimi zavesami in črni ebenovini posteljnih ogrodij, sicer pa se bistveno ne razlikujejo od drugih domov.
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Natalie Aurea
5. letnik Spolzgada
Natalie Aurea

Število prispevkov : 289
Age : 26

Spalnice (fantje) Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeNed Avg 05, 2012 12:36 am

Nasmejana sta se pobrala s travnatih tal in se napotila naravnost proti graščini. Vse, kar je Nat še storila je bilo, da je z enim gladkim gibom zapestja vse njene slikarske pripomočke in tudi današnjo sliko poslala v njeno splanico, da so odbrzeli mimo njiju in izginili v daljavi. Pogledi, ki sta si jih izmenjavala med precej hitro hojo so bili tako polni strasti in vročine, da je zlatolaska s kotičkom očesa opazila, kako sta jima dve mimoidoči mlajši dekleti dejansko namenili prestrašen pogled. Ko sta končno dosegla grad in stopila v varno zavetje hladnih kamnitih zidov, je na njenem obrazu kraljeval že prav peklenski nasmešek. Fenris ni izgubljal prav nič časa in jo je na prvem hodniku prtisnil ob zid ter napadel njene ustnice. Odzvala se mu je z ujemajočo energijo in njeni poljubi so bili skoraj lačni. Čez nekaj minut pa se je svetlolasec, na njeno veliko razočaranje, ki ga je tudi izrazila z užaljenim stokom, odmaknil, jo prijel za roko in jo potegnil v smeri ječ. Do dnevne sobe sta skoraj pritekla, njena notranjost pa je bila zelo prikladno povsem prazna, vendar se nista imela namena zadrževati v njej. “Mmm, tvoja, v moji sva bila že dvakrat,” mu je odgovorila, čeprav se je zelo dobro zavedala, da v njeni spalnici nista počela ničesar niti podebnega temu, za kar bosta uporabila njegovo. Svoje ustnice je prilepila na njegove in se počasi začela ritensko pomikati proti stopnišču, ne da bi kdaj prekinila njun kontakt. Zelo počasi sta na tak način prišla na vrh stopnišča in Nat je lahko samo upala, da so fantovske spalnice razporejene na enak način kot dekliške, ko je pazljivo štela vrata in se ustavila pri tistih, ki bi bila na dekliški strani vhod v spalnico šestih letnikov. “So prava?”

[opa, mal je trajal, but nevertheless Very Happy here u go]
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Fenris Wolffe
6. letnik Spolzgada
Fenris Wolffe

Število prispevkov : 271

Spalnice (fantje) Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeNed Avg 19, 2012 2:19 am

((Hvala enako Smile))

Sledil ji je kakor hipnotiziran, njegove oči pa so bile prikovane na njene. To je bilo v praksi nekoliko težje kot se sliši, kajti po stopnicah navzgor je kar nekajkrat brcnil v stopnico in se opotekel. A na srečo padel ni in v času ki se je Fenrisu zdel hkrati nekaj sekund in več kot uro sta prispela do vrat nasproti njegovih.
"Blizu," je odvrnil ko ga je Natalie vprašala če so vrata prava in se postavil med njo in nasprotna vrata, nato pa ji pomignil naj se približa. Z nogo je sunil nazaj v vrata, ki tako ali tako niso bila nikoli zaklenjena, in ta so se z rahlim zvokom udarca ob kamen za seboj odprla.
"Če si prav predstavljam, so pri nas spalnice razporejene zrcalno vašim," je povedal medtem ko se je umikal vedno bolj nazaj, kajti njegova postelja je bila na sredini, ob steni naravnost nasproti vrat. Dovoljkrat je že bil tukaj, da je točno vedel koliko korakov ga je ločilo od mehkih svilnatih rjuh smaragdne barve s srebrno kačo izvezeno na sredini. Sedaj je bil on tisti, ki se je umikal nazaj in s pogledom držal njo. A ne za dolgo, kajti ravno zadnji trenutek se je spomnil koliko korakov je že naredil in se vrgel nazaj. Vendar ga je presenetil šelesteč zvok, katerega ni pričakoval: slišalo se je kakor papir, kadar ga mečkaš.
"Opla, menda nisem zmečkal Nathanovih 'plonkcev'?" je dejal presenečeno ter se nagnil nekoliko naprej in izvlekel majhen list papirja, ki se je izkazal za krivca za prej omenjeni zvok, ga nekoliko poravnal in prebral:
Priložnost dela tatu, prav ti je ko pa ne zaklepaš sobe! Več sreče prihodnjič zguba, tvoja čarobna kravata je zdaj moja!
Prvo sekundo je bil njegov obraz vznemirjen, nato pa je Fenris Wolffe planil v smeh. Že nekaj časa nazaj je namreč z večjo ali manjšo gotovostjo vedel, česa je bila črna kravata sposobna, in prav nič si je ni želel obdržati.
"Na, preberi," je še vedno med smehom rekel Natalie ter ji izročil listek.
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Natalie Aurea
5. letnik Spolzgada
Natalie Aurea

Število prispevkov : 289
Age : 26

Spalnice (fantje) Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeSob Avg 09, 2014 5:09 am

»Oh, no ja. Vsaj na dva metra natančno sem zadela,« se mu je nasmehnila v odgovor ter mu počasi sledila v spalnico. S kotičkom očesa je opazila, da je ta delovala zelo podobno njeni lastni, vendar je bila večina Nataliine pozornosti osredotočena na svetlolasega fanta, ki se je ritensko približeval sredinski postelji.
Zelo očitno naučen točno kako daleč od vrat se postelja nahaja se je Fenris ob ravno pravem trenutku pognal nazaj in pristal na rjuhah. Natalie je imela vsakršen namen da se mu pridruži, vendar jo je ustavila njegova roka, ki je izpod hrbta privlekla zmečkan košček pergamenta. »Kaj pa so počeli na tvoji postelji? Ne reči mi, da mu jih ti pišeš?«
Trenutek kasneje, ko je Fenris uspel prebrati vsebino listka, se je izkazalo da le-ta očitno konec koncev vseeno ni plonkec. Svetlolaska je z zanimanjem sprejela pergament, da bi si še sama prebrala sporočilo, ki je njenega partnerja spravilo v smeh. Njene oči so na hitro preletele tisti kratki vrstici in tudi sama se je nasmehnila.
»Predvidevam, da se ti ne bo prav močno tožilo po tisti zadevi, imam prav? Mene zmrazi samo ko pomislim nanjo. Naj se kar zabava z njo, kdorkoli jo je že vzel.« Ob tem je Natalie listič odvrgla čez ramo, da je odjadral nekam na tla, medtem ko se je sama svojemu fantu pridružila na postelji.
»Si za to, da nadaljujeva tam, kjer sva ostala?«

(short, but eh Smile need to get started with something, right?)
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Fenris Wolffe
6. letnik Spolzgada
Fenris Wolffe

Število prispevkov : 271

Spalnice (fantje) Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimePon Avg 11, 2014 10:44 pm

"Niti najmanj," ji je pokimal ko je omenila, da ga izguba kravate niti ni kaj dosti prizadela. "Morda ne gre prav za črno magijo, ampak tisto kar mi je o njej znano je prav sumljivo podobno. Tako ali tako pa je čisto možno da laže."
Tudi če bi imel še kaj za pripomniti bi v tistem trenutku obmolknil, kakor vsakdo, ki bi gledal dekle kakršno je bilo Natalie splezati čez rob postelje ter nad njegovo zleknjeno postavo. Stegnil je vrat naprej in jo strastno poljubil na ustnice, ko se je njun poljub nekoliko razmaknil pa je dodal:
"Prav imaš, veliko boljše stvari lahko počneva kot da se ukvarjava s tisto zadevo."
Dvignil je svoj trup v polsedeči položaj ter ponovno pritisnil svoje ustnice k njenim, njegove roke pa so se ji ovile okoli pasu ter jo pritisnile k sebi.
V nekem trenutku je s pogledom opazil še vedno odprta vrata, proti katerim je nato brž zamahnil z dlanjo, na kateri je še vedno nosil magični prstan. Vrata sobe so se s treskom zaprla, ključavnica pa obrnila.
"Zdajle pa res ne bi rad, da naju kdo zmoti," je pokomentiral tresk vrat s samozadovoljnim nasmeškom. Če bi kateri njegovih dveh cimrov moral v sobo, se bo pač moral znajti kako drugače.

((Imaš prav, pa itak bolje krajši posti kot noben. Kadar je pa veliko interakcije je pa itak bolje če se ne piše preveč vnaprej Wink))
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Natalie Aurea
5. letnik Spolzgada
Natalie Aurea

Število prispevkov : 289
Age : 26

Spalnice (fantje) Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeSre Avg 13, 2014 11:08 pm

Ko so se njune ustnice združile, je Natalie zadovoljno zavzdihnila in se prepustila občutku. V teh dveh tednih, ki jih je preživela v temi so se njeni preostali čuti drastično izboljšali in vsako doživetje je bilo veliko izrazitejše, polno zvokov, vonjev in tekstur.
Ko sta se razmaknila mu je svetlolaska namenila le bleščeč nasmešek in se udobneje namestila v njegovem naročju, medtem ko se je Fenris dvignil v nekako polsedeč položaj in jo potegnil bližje. O ja, brez dvoma je zelo pogrešala občutek njegovih rok okoli svojega pasu.
Vrata za njenim hrbtom so se sunkovito zaloputnila in šokirano je poskočila, vendar je svetlolasec kaj hitro obrazložil svoja dejanja. Preden bi se Natalie lahko pregloboko zapičila v dejstvo, da je vrata zaprl brez palice, se je spomnila magičnega prstana, ki ji ga je pokazal tisto noč na plesu in zadovoljno se je prepustila njegovim dotikom.
Ko sta se poljubljala ji je za zaprtimi očmi oživela podoba obrisov njune okolice; vse planote Fenrisovega obraza, njene roke ovite okrog njegovega vratu, mehka postelja pod njima… Nekako takšna slika kakršne si je tekom meseca začela ustvarjati s pomočjo uroka, ki ga je uporabljala za premikanje. Le da ga trenutno ni izvajala, slika pa je bila zelo natančna.
Kaj za… Uganko je opustila v trenutku, ko je začutila rahel dotik njegovega jezika in se popolnoma prepustila poljubu, ki se je občutno poglobil, preden sta se najstnika ločila za nekaj hudo potrebnih požirkov zraka.
Z nasmeškom na obrazu je Natalie začela črtati sled po Fenrisovi čeljusti, pa nižje po vratu, do Adamovega jabolka, puščajoč za sabo poljube, medtem ko so se njeni prsti začeli igrati z najvišjim zapetim gumbom njegove srajce. Tako daleč pri poljubljanju še nikoli nista prišla in počasi je odprla gumb in zdrsnila nižje, dajajoč svetlolascu dovolj časa, da jo ustavi, če mu ni do tega.

((your reply, my liege. I look forward to your correspondence Razz))
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Fenris Wolffe
6. letnik Spolzgada
Fenris Wolffe

Število prispevkov : 271

Spalnice (fantje) Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeČet Avg 14, 2014 5:14 am

Nekoliko je trznil, ko je dojel da ima Natalie najverjetneje namen odpeti gumb, s katerim se je igrala; in najverjetneje ne samo enega. Glede tega je imel mešane občutke: po eni strani ni bil prepričan, če sta pripravljena na kaj bolj resnega, a po drugi strani si je tega tudi želel. Poleg tega je bilo tukaj še vprašanje, ali je bil komurkoli pripravljen kazati svoje gole prsi. Resda mu to kot osebi z moškim telesom naj ne bi delalo nekih bistvenih težav, sploh ker je imel dokaj dobro, čeravno ne ravno izrazito mišičasto, postavo - a vzgoja je imela svoje posledice, zaradi katerih je še vedno imel podzavestne zadržke. Po drugi strani pa mu je postajalo že opazno vroče, tako v obraz kot po celem telesu, in del njega je kar kričal po tem naj mu sname srajco. Ali pa kar vse kar je nosil.
Kratko ji je pokimal ter ji s tem dal vedeti, da sme nadaljevati; vsaj do nadaljnjega. Ob tem ji je vrnil poljub, desno dlan pa splazil pod njeno majico ter počasi polzel po njenem hrbtu navzgor, medtem ko jo je leva še vedno držala za zadnji del pasu ter jo pritiskala bližje k njemu.
Vnovič ji je pritisnil poljub na ustnice, ter ljubkoval njene med svojimi, nato pa vzel njeno spodnjo ustnico med svoji ter rahlo potegnil k sebi, medtem ko je z jezikom zdrsel po celotni dolžini. Oči je imel že davno zaprte od mešanice čustev in občutij, ki so ga preplavljale.

((Why, my dear madam, you prize me too highly! I hold no authority over thee, save for that which you yourself deign to accept and grant. Wink))
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Natalie Aurea
5. letnik Spolzgada
Natalie Aurea

Število prispevkov : 289
Age : 26

Spalnice (fantje) Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimePet Avg 15, 2014 8:24 am

((Can we switch to English? I want to switch to English. Besides, there's no one here to tell me that I can't do so. Ha!))

She could feel the blond’s shoulders tense when he realised what her toying fingers implied. For a few seconds he seemed to be waging some internal battle, but then came to a decision and gave her a barely perceptible nod.
Natalie released a breath she wasn’t aware she’d been holding and flicked the second button of her boyfriend’s snug black shirt open. Despite it not being her first time taking off a boy’s shirt while they kissed it sent excitement racing through her veins. Fenris was slowly sliding one of his hands up her back, the palm disappearing under the hem of her cut-off top and leaving a trail of heated skin behind as it travelled higher up her spine, coming into contact with the lace of her underwear.
Thoroughly enjoying the sensations, the young Slytherin felt quite breathless, what with her partner’s insistent attention on her lips and the heat of his hands on her skin. It felt only fair for her to teasingly continue her slow descent at his front, sliding buttons out of their holes one by one, taking care not to touch his chest while she undid them.
Fenris made concentrating on that task quite difficult by suckling on her lower lip and eliciting a breathy gasp from the girl, momentarily making her forget all about her previous endeavour as she slid her fingers into his ruffled curls and joined their mouths in a passionate kiss.
He was so much different from her other, admittedly sparse experiences with men. Where they had always sought to satisfy their own wishes, caring little about what she might have desired, the blond caressed her in such a way that made her feel treasured and, most importantly, wanting to give back to him, to make him feel just as good.
Breaking away from him and leaning her forehead onto his for a few seconds to regain her bearings, her hands slid back in between them to their previously abandoned task of unbuttoning the shirt and slowly, she popped the last two buttons out of their holes.

((Well, I have always been taught to show respect to my seniors, no matter what the age gap may be Wink Besides, I don’t mind being bossed around a bit, especially not while Role-playing *blinks innocently* P.S.: I would greatly appreciate any commentary on my English, this is great practice for me after all Smile))
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Fenris Wolffe
6. letnik Spolzgada
Fenris Wolffe

Število prispevkov : 271

Spalnice (fantje) Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeSob Avg 16, 2014 7:56 am

((Mind, I do not. Expressing in English, easier for me is. However, a challenge less of it also is. Razz))

His body shivered as she kept undoing one button after another. The only other time someone who was not a member of his immediate family had assisted him with undressing was not a pleasant memory, which he did his best to put out of his mind at this particular moment.
Her playing with the curls of his hair was a very efficient distraction, as it made him forget everything but the feeling of how much he yearned for her closeness, the feeling of being wanted. His head moved of its own accord, following the movements of her palm, his eyes long since closed by the sheer overwhelming intensity of the emotion. His hands too had stilled and merely held her where they had stopped, making no effort, save for gently pressing her closer to him. His lips parted in a nigh-inaudible sigh, which likely sounded more erotic than he would have intended, had he any control over himself.
Following the regaining of his senses, he immediately resumed to shower Natalie's face with kisses, from the tiny pecks on inconspicuous places, to long smooches on her cheeks, lips and neck. His hands raced over her back, but while he felt an unexplained urge to grasp her bum or unfasten her bra, the ever-present uncertainty made him refrain from doing so, and instead he merely massaged her back erratically and pressed her in a tight embrace on several occasions. He loved her, that he knew; but his inexperience made him relent his own passion and let her guide him.

((Madam, please! I do not need to be called "senior" to make myself feel older still Razz Neither do I, nor do I mind taking on a more assertive role, but I prefer to stay in character Wink))
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Natalie Aurea
5. letnik Spolzgada
Natalie Aurea

Število prispevkov : 289
Age : 26

Spalnice (fantje) Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeSob Avg 16, 2014 11:35 pm

((Yes, Master Yoda Very Happy I find describing intimate scenes like this in Slovenian extremely difficult though, and I won't mind the practice in English for my fanfic ^^))

As Natalie's face was showered with kisses, the girl couldn't stop the joyous laughter that bubbled up from her and returned the actions with equal enthusiasm. She couldn't help but feel completely at ease with him, despite the fact that his hands pressing their bodies together made her feel heated all over.
Being on the bed with Fenris like this felt completely natural and the blonde exhaled a long breath as she slowly slid her hands across his bare shoulders and helped him ease the black shirt off his body.
The torso that she was now tentatively exploring with her fingers wasn't overtly muscular, but lean and sinewy and admittedly very pleasing to the eye. The one boyfriend she had had before Fenris, Aaron, had been built like the Keeper that he was, all bulging and burly, and she found that she liked this body type much better.
Her long fingers slid over his pectorals, brushing briefly over his beige nipples before sliding to his sides playfully, trying to find out if the blond was ticklish.

((Do you need assistance to cross the road, sir? X) Butt of course, that is after all the whole point, isn’t it? Smile))
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Fenris Wolffe
6. letnik Spolzgada
Fenris Wolffe

Število prispevkov : 271

Spalnice (fantje) Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeNed Avg 17, 2014 6:39 am

((Who Yoda you calling are? A good spanking you deserve! Razz))

As her eyes scanned his body shape, he felt blood rise in his cheeks, which he was absolutely certain would show on his face as a distinctive redness. Knowing she was judging him, but unsure whether she liked what she saw or not, he would have almost covered himself with his hands, had her hands not given him a clear sign that his fears were, in fact, ungrounded.
It is only natural to judge what we see, he thought to himself. We do it instinctively, may we so desire or not. Yet one need not necessarily fear judgement, for it may yet prove to acquit in their favour, perhaps more so than initially anticipated.
Before he could have sufficiently scolded himself for thinking about completely unnecessary philosophical ideas at the least appropriate times, Natalie had already provided him with a distraction. He may have been male for the past 5 years, but in spite of that - or perhaps because of that - his nipples were so sensitive, he couldn't even stand her touching them, and he instinctively shied away a bit. That however brought her fingers closer to the sides of his torso, and the tickling she gave made him reflexively conjoint his arms and legs, which, considering their position, inevitably resulted in him unintentionally hitting her in one or two places.
"Oh shit, I'm so, so sorry!" he urged to apologise and embraced her, giving her a long, apologetic kiss.
"I'm so clumsy... and I can't control my reactions when you tickle me, so I would not advise you to do so in the future," he commented, although the glint of a smile already crept onto his lips.
"Where have I hurt you?" he asked, and once shown, proceeded to kiss the place designated as injured.

(("Butt, of course" or "but of course"? Razz))
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Natalie Aurea
5. letnik Spolzgada
Natalie Aurea

Število prispevkov : 289
Age : 26

Spalnice (fantje) Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeNed Avg 17, 2014 9:05 am

((well, depends on the setting, but I wouldn't necessarily mind Razz))

It hadn't escaped Natalie's notice that the boy underneath her shied away slightly from her touch and immediately, she felt a cold feeling of dread grip her insides. She was being pushy, forcing intimate contact when he clearly didn't desire anything more than to kiss and maybe venture down to each other's necks as they had done numerous times before.
Trying to tickle him in the hopes of diffusing the tense atmosphere only worked against her however, since Fenris reacted with flailing limbs in all directions, hitting her in the process too. His immediate response was an uncharacteristic profanity falling from his lips and a warm embrace that only served to make the young blonde feel even worse about her actions, although she returned his kiss, trying not to show her inner turmoil on the outside.
"You just don't want me to exploit this weakness of yours," she playfully teased back with no real heat in her voice before playing along with him and pointing at her elbow with a pout. "There's an ouchie here." Fenris graced the spot with a gentle kiss and Natalie's wicked mind immediately started thinking up all the possibilities this little game provided, but caught herself quickly. He wasn't thrilled about her touching him, why would he be any more interested in touching her body? Her insecurities reared their ugly head loud and clear, so she stayed within his comfort zone, pointing to her shoulder next. "And here." Promptly, her boyfriend kissed that spot too and continuing like that, Natalie charted a path to her lips where they met in a chaste peck.
"We shouldn't waste the whole day on bed, don't you think?" she offered, shifting off his lap and avoiding eye contact, having lost all desire to roll around in his bed and feeling thoroughly disgusted with herself. "Besides, I think it's almost lunch time."

((I think the first one works better with the whole sentence Wink And oh, I have completely forgotten about the hardships of writing via mobile phone :s))
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Fenris Wolffe
6. letnik Spolzgada
Fenris Wolffe

Število prispevkov : 271

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ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeNed Avg 17, 2014 10:04 am

((Ah girls, girls. When you're small, you often deserve being spanked and you hate it, and when you grow up and it no longer serves its initial purpose, you *want* it. Razz))

At first, he thought that everything would be fine, as Natalie pointed out different parts of her body, directing him to kiss them. But not much after, her voice chilled and as if her retreating from physical contact wasn't enough, the fact that she would not look him in the eye was a dead give-away that something was wrong. The sixth-grader initially considered if he had perhaps hurt her too badly, which, while completely unintentional, would be something he would consider doing a lengthy penance for. The alternative was that for some reason, she felt guilty; perhaps she blamed herself for having tickled him, despite the fact that she could not have known he would react this uncontrollably? Then the realisation finally hit him.
"I..." he started then placed his palms on her shoulders from behind her, giving her enough room, but still conveying some tactile closeness.
"I'm giving you mixed signals, aren't I?" he asked repentantly. "I wasn't trying to... I mean, I *was* trying... no, that's not what I meant." He gave out a frustrated sigh, then proceeded to explain:
"I want you Nat... I love you and I desire you. It's just that I'm not entirely sure of myself. Well, that, and the tickling was a terrible idea, but that's your fault. What I mean is, everything is my fault. Except for the tickling. And I'm blabbering..."
With words having failed him, he embraced her tightly.
"Maybe we could... not go to lunch?" he asked uncertainly. "Look, I... if you want to, we can continue where we left off. If things go too far, I'll tell you... but don't feel bad or anything, you're not forcing yourself on me. Unless you tie me up and... and I'm blabbering nonsense again, sorry."
Then he shut himself up by crushing the blonde's lips with his own.
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Natalie Aurea
5. letnik Spolzgada
Natalie Aurea

Število prispevkov : 289
Age : 26

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ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeNed Avg 17, 2014 8:57 pm

((Pfft, and what would you know about it? Razz))

The fact that Fenris immediately started apologising, as if he had actually done something wrong only served to make the blonde feel more horrible.
“No, look, it’s really not your fault. We were going too fast and I should have made sure you were okay with it. It’s just… This is so new to me, you know?” She sighed and let herself relax into his touch.  “I’ve never been the one to take charge of these things before and I have no idea what to do, how I should do it… And okay, yeah, I really screwed it up with the tickling,” she conceded, giggling slightly. His nervousness and rambling somehow served to make her feel more at ease, despite not quite believing the Slytherin when he told her that he wanted her, her insecurities flaring up again. He sure has a way of showing it, doesn’t he?
His tirade over, he hugged her tightly and the warmth of his embrace immediately made her mood take a turn for the better.  She turned a slightly sceptical eye on him when he suggested skipping lunch, but her lips were soon pressed tightly against the blond’s and she easily gave into the kiss.
When they parted a few moments later, she shyly turned back to look him in the eye. “Well, I guess I’m not all that hungry… I just… Yes, I want to continue doing this, but do you? I don’t want you to do this just because of me, you should be enjoying yourself too…”
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Fenris Wolffe
6. letnik Spolzgada
Fenris Wolffe

Število prispevkov : 271

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ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeNed Avg 17, 2014 10:48 pm

((Evidently more than you think, coming from that statement Razz))

He gave her a slightly incredulous look, but instead of a sarcastic remark on whether it was not obvious that he was, in fact, enjoying himself, he opted for the more tactful option:
"I do want this. There are... triggers. But I don't want my past to affect my present or my future, and I most certainly don't want it to ruin what we have, or could have. And I am enjoying it, so why would it matter if I want to do this because of you?"
He kissed her, then added with a playful smile:
"Would you rather I did it because of someone else, or something?"
Still shirtless, he shifted his weight so that the fifth-year was now under him, and proceeded to administer kisses upon her lips, cheeks, jaw and neck. But unlike before, he did not stop there. He went lower, caressing her shoulders and collar bones, touching the latter with his lips as he proceeded downwards, eventually reaching the top of her breasts. He kissed her there as well, slowly, gently. Then finally, he added a little flick of his hot, moist tongue over the sensitive skin of that general area.
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Natalie Aurea
5. letnik Spolzgada
Natalie Aurea

Število prispevkov : 289
Age : 26

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ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimePon Avg 18, 2014 1:17 am

((So it would seem Very Happy))

As soon as the little word past was out of his mouth, realisation dawned upon Natalie and she immediately felt stupid for letting herself ne vulnerable about a subject she had long been confident about. She was making it all about her, when in all actuality, the problem lied within the traumatic things that had happened to him. It hadn’t even crossed the blonde’s mind how much that could affect any intimacy between them and she felt decidedly self-centred for not having thought about it.
“If you dare to even think about another thing while you kiss me, Fenris, there will be repercussions,” she shot back with a grin and let him shift them into a position where she was suddenly pressed into the mattress. As he showered her with kiss after kiss, slowly descending down her neck, the last thoughts of his unwillingness to do this finally flew out the proverbial window and she let herself fully enjoy the sensations.
Soon, he was crossing into hitherto uncharted territory and Natalie’s breath hitched quite a few times when he reached the tops of her modest breasts that the little top she was wearing left uncovered. “You were right… Who needs lunch?” she grinned and pulled him into a kiss before guiding the hand that he wasn’t leaning on to her right breast in a very bold move.
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Fenris Wolffe
6. letnik Spolzgada
Fenris Wolffe

Število prispevkov : 271

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ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimePon Avg 18, 2014 6:36 am

((Well I'm sure you'll try to pump me for information sooner or later Razz))

"Then I am guilty as charged, your honour," he teased, "for I have thought about many a thing that I would like to do with you already." Some of which had surprised even himself; but he lacked the courage or simply the assertiveness to put those ideas to words, much less deeds. Still, there were some things he managed to gather the courage to attempt, the latest of which proved, much to his joy, to be pleasurable and desirable by his girlfriend.
The hand she placed on her breast was initially a bit uncertain, but the fact that it was Natalie herself who placed it there more or less meant that she wanted it, so Fenris kneaded the petite but well-shaped mound, while continuing to kiss her cleavage.
"Are you sure you're not at all hot?" he asked with a hint of amusement in his voice, as he tilted his head to the direction of her blouse. But the concern for her heat-relevant well-being was secondary to the feeling he felt somewhere in the hidden, repressed, bestial vestiges of his mind. He wanted her to lose that top, so that he would be able to see, as well as feel, the laced complexion of her bra.
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Natalie Aurea
5. letnik Spolzgada
Natalie Aurea

Število prispevkov : 289
Age : 26

Spalnice (fantje) Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeNed Avg 24, 2014 5:22 am

((I just realised how well Fenris' backstory goes with Eva’s beloved »a lesbian trapped in a man's body« theory Razz))

“Maybe I can make an exception in this case,” she winked at his proclamation and graced him with a long, deep kiss that made her tingle right down to her toes.
The blond’s movements went from carefully hesitant to a quite confident touch upon her breasts, never ceasing to trail his lips all over the soft skin of her collarbones and her cleavage. When he made a teasing comment about the temperature she rose to the bait, finding that she actually very much wanted him to get rid of her top
“You know, now that you mention it Fenris, it has gotten quite toasty in here. Would you mind helping me out?” With a huge grin practically splitting her face in two, she once more took hold of his hand and now moved it to the hem of her top. “You can manage that, right?” she jibed, not able to resist doing it and arching her back off the bed, effectively pressing her front flush against his still naked upper body. Pulling him in for another long kiss, she waited in trembling anticipation for him to slide the light cloth off her.

((soree for the delay, I hope it's adequate anyway Smile))
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Fenris Wolffe
6. letnik Spolzgada
Fenris Wolffe

Število prispevkov : 271

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ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeNed Avg 24, 2014 8:28 pm

((That theory was, in fact, what spurned the idea that eventually grew into his back story in the first place Wink ))

His lips turned into a rather uncharacteristic smirk when she teased him on whether or not he would be up to the task of removing the blouse off of her.
"Well, to be honest," he smiled, "it has been a rather long time since I've last undressed a girl." Of course, since it was Fenris who said it, the sentence meant something quite different than it usually would - but nevertheless, the playful tone and the implication remained.
Tucking his palms under her top, his hands slowly climbed the distance towards her chest. Only this time, he did not go for the obvious temptation, but slid his palms further along her sides, almost up to her armpits, then to the back, and finally tugged upwards, liberating Natalie's torso of the concealing fabric in one move. Or rather, he had imagined that he would: the top got stuck twice along the way: first as he got it to the level of her breasts, which she pressed against his chest at that very moment, much to their mutual enjoyment, but also much to the difficulty of removing said piece of clothing. And the second time as it went over her nose, for in his eagerness, Fenris forgot that disrobing relatively tight articles of clothing over the head tended to require more finesse than just pulling up. Slightly embarrassed, but eager to make up for his mistake, he lifted himself somewhat and moved his palms around her neck, caressing her, then helping her get the rest of the blouse off until it landed somewhere on the left.
Despite the fact that her frame was now bare before him, save for the laced bra which he had only felt before, but was now in plain sight; or perhaps because of the view he now enjoyed, his hands had stayed on her neck and cheeks, his thumbs tracing gentle curved lines along her cheeks and occasionally lips.

((No need to apologise: no-pressure fun-oriented writing, remember? Smile))
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Natalie Aurea
5. letnik Spolzgada
Natalie Aurea

Število prispevkov : 289
Age : 26

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ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimePon Avg 25, 2014 6:36 am

((Haha, seriously? Who would have thought Very Happy))

Natalie's mouth practically dropped open at his statement, unable to believe that he had just said that, fully aware of the implications. The fact that he actually felt comfortable enough about it to joke at his own expense spoke volumes to her. She answered Fenris with a light-hearted laugh and a quick peck on the lips, her eyes quickly becoming glued to the palms that were slowly ascending up her body, hidden by the light material of her top. When he brushed her sides she squirmed and gasped a little at the tickling sensation, but that quickly morphed into giggles when he encountered some obstacles pulling the blouse over her chest and head.
When the piece finally landed somewhere on the floor and she could feel the heat her boyfriend's body was radiating directly on her skin, all desire to laugh left her. Enjoying his caresses along her cheeks, she too brought her hands up to frame his face before utilising her stomach muscles to lift herself a little and catch his lips. One hand on his cheek, the other at the nape of his neck playing with his soft curls, Natalie pulled the blond down with her, pressing their torsos together. Searching for even more closeness, she brought one of her legs up to hook over his hip, pressing them together at their most intimate places and pulling on his bottom lip with her teeth while she was doing it.

((that doesn't stop me from feeling bad if i leave you waiting for such a long time Smile))
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Fenris Wolffe
6. letnik Spolzgada
Fenris Wolffe

Število prispevkov : 271

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ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeTor Avg 26, 2014 3:42 am

((It was even mentioned in a passing remark at one point during our RPG, if you read back a bit Wink))

A quick, loud gasp escaped Fenris' lips as he felt her draw closer to him, with not only the heat of her body seeping into his, but literally touching almost everywhere. He could feel her chest pressed against his, her already flat stomach flattened with his, and...
He moaned, loudly at first, then quickly reducing in volume, until only a low purr with a complexion of what sounded more like a prolonged "mmmmm..." emanated from his mouth. The pressure made him realise what he had somehow managed to miss until then; namely, the rigid protrusion on his pants, which he could now feel with such intensity, it almost overwhelmed him. Not only that, but...
"You're just so... HOT!" he managed to exclaim while fighting with the waves of desire that crushed against the shore of his consciousness. And he meant it literally this time, although the casually-understood meaning would not be inaccurate either; her groin was almost scalding, and while he subconsciously feared the overpowering passions that by now had already enveloped both of them, another part of him was curious as to just how much of the heat she gave off was absorbed by the thick layer of her jeans. That same part also wanted nothing more than to slip a hand between said layer of clothing and explore what lay underneath, but fortunately - or perhaps alas - their current position prohibited him from taking on such a course of action. Not that that would have stopped this new part of his psyche that now controlled the majority of his thinking processes; instead of the original idea, he opted to slip the lower of the two arms that had been embracing his girlfriend lower still, proceeding over the curves of her bum and squeezing her; softly at first, but more strongly after. His upper hand, however, still continued to caress, massage and scratch the back of her neck while their lips were occupied with each other. As soon as her teeth let go of his lip, he leaned forward and traced the outlines of her lips with his tongue, then once again smashed them against his own in a long, drawn-out kiss.

((Commendable, though you give me the impression that those words were intentionally chosen so as to elicit a similar response from me. Which, I may add, seems to have also succeeded Very Happy))
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Natalie Aurea
5. letnik Spolzgada
Natalie Aurea

Število prispevkov : 289
Age : 26

Spalnice (fantje) Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeTor Avg 26, 2014 8:11 am

((Oh boy, that must be quite a 'bit' back… Maybe someday Very Happy))

Despite it not being the first time feeling a man's erection pressing against her through their clothes, the hardness caused Natalie to gasp and look at her boyfriend with eyes wide open. The moan he had let out at their first intimate touch made her hot all over, adding to the high that actually feeling Fenris' desire for her caused her.  His loud proclamation would have made her laugh in another situation, but she understood what he meant completely. The actual physical temperature between them was high enough to make a sheen of sweat start forming where their naked skin touched.  
“Mmmmm yess… “Natalie hissed, infinitely pleased with the more aggressive turn the blond’s behaviour had taken. Relishing in his taking control and yet not prepared to give it up fully, she buried her hands in his hair and pulled him closer, diving into his mouth and tasting him as their tongues caressed in a delightedly deep kiss. The possessive way he was gripping her ass made things clench low in her stomach and she instantly decided she wanted to explore more of him too.
Using the leg hooked over his hip to provide herself some leverage, she tried to turn them over so she would be lying on top of him but only succeeded to roll them both slightly to the right so they were leaning on their sides. Not letting the failure get to her, she unwrapped one hand from Fenris’ neck and pushed at his chest so he toppled the rest of the way onto his back.
“You look delicious underneath me,” she supplied breathily, letting her stormy eyes take in the body she was now straddling, but not being bold enough to look down to his pants where she could still feel the proof of his desire for her pressing hotly against her womanhood through the jeans. Leaning down and trailing her tongue over his collarbone and then gently nibbling her way up the side of his neck, Natalie joined their lips once more, alive with excitement about what they were doing.

((The things you are accusing me of! Who do you take me for, a Slytherin?! Very Happy))
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Fenris Wolffe
6. letnik Spolzgada
Fenris Wolffe

Število prispevkov : 271

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ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeČet Avg 28, 2014 8:40 am

((In universe, a couple of months. Actual time, something over 2 years Wink))

When she began to turn them over, Fenris was at first not certain what she had intended to do, and therefore offered some resistance, which effectively ruined Natalie's attempt to flip them over in one smooth move. Having realised his error, he was instantly offered a chance to make up for it, and so he let her topple and straddle him as she intended to.
Rubbing against her with himself on top was arousing. Being more or less helpless with her over him, her crotch pressing tightly against his, her breasts gently touching his, and her teeth and tongue working their way over his neck... it was almost more than he could handle. His hands leapt to her shoulders of their own volition and began to slide downwards, with his nails scratching her back as they traversed the length of it. He was being as gentle as his mind allowed for, at this stage; yet even that was hard enough to leave thin red stripes of irritated skin in their wake.
"I suppose... I should have taken you to lunch... after all," he teased as she kept sprinkling the essence of desire upon his neck. Judging by former experience, he knew his neck would soon be a mosaic of blue, violet, purple and dark brown - but he didn't care: all that mattered was how unbelievably amazing it felt to have her kiss, lick, bite and suck at his neck.
"But I certainly can-" he was cut off mid-sentence by a loud moan of pleasure that escaped his lips without regard to his will. "...feel how delicious you must think me to be," he finished and smiled, his hands having reached her hips and grabbing the full curves of her bum for good measure.

((Why, madam, I would never... aaactually yes, I sort of did just that. And I approve Very Happy))
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Natalie Aurea
5. letnik Spolzgada
Natalie Aurea

Število prispevkov : 289
Age : 26

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ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimePet Avg 29, 2014 5:57 am

((I did read back some, but I didn’t come across that part… Oh well.))

The gentle sting that Fenris’ nails left in their wake as they scratched down her back was an addicting mix of pleasure and pain, enough to make her moan out loud, not sure if the sound was a result of the pain or the pleasure part.
“Well, so long as I’m hearing no complaints…” she replied back, soothing the few little marks she had left on his neck with gentle laps of her tongue.  It was a heady feeling, to sit atop him and enjoy him like her personal toy, but at the same time seeing, feeling and hearing his opinion of the situation.
A moan of her own escaped Natalie’s lips as his palms grabbed a handful of her flesh, effectively pressing her against him. Half instinctively and half emboldened by his actions, the blonde gently gyrated her hips against his, immediately letting out another breathy gasp. Salazar, who would have thought this could feel so good!  Despite being separated by two layers of thick denim, the heat and intensity of the touch made the young Slytherin arch her back and close her eyes as she rotated her hips again, thoroughly enjoying the feeling.
A startlingly devious thought pierced through her otherwise pretty fuzzy mind and her eyes flew open, fixing on her partner’s indigo ones. “What is your opinion on nipple piercings?”

((Heh. We all have a little Slytherin in us Wink))
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Fenris Wolffe
6. letnik Spolzgada
Fenris Wolffe

Število prispevkov : 271

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ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: Spalnice (fantje)   Spalnice (fantje) I_icon_minitimeSob Avg 30, 2014 10:41 am

((I recall it being mentioned in passing when I re-read some of it, but I can't remember where exactly XD))

The pressure, the friction, and the pure feeling of her desire washing against him, were almost too much for Fenris to handle. His palms kept caressing her behind, but whether he wanted it or not, his semi-conscious mind decided to grasp her more firmly every time. When she moved, his hands slipped from the enchanting curves of her bum, but without losing momentum, they slipped onto the backs of her thighs, just over her knees. Instinctively, his hands climbed upwards, caressing and rubbing every inch of denim-clad skin they crossed, slowing down with each progressive step taken, until it seemed he moved only by matter of millimetres when he began to reach the upper parts of her thighs. This, he knew in some unknown part of his fractured psyche, would indubitably cause her to want his touch on her more sensitive areas even more. But why was he doing that? He wanted her, of course, and he wanted her to want him, naturally, but what sinister being would manipulate their beloved by means of enticing their lust? No, not sinister; after all, couples did that most of the time, so why shouldn't he? They were a couple, after all, and it was not like they were hiding it either...
Her question dampened his ruminations and forced his thoughts to focus on a less ponderous topic.
"If I like what?" he asked, not being sure if he had heard right. Did she say...? Apparently his uncertainty was plain on his face, as he was quickly offered what seemed more or less a repetition:
"Nipple piercings?" he repeated himself, as if saying the phrase might make him form the a sooner. "I guess it could look hot, but... doesn't that hurt? As in, immensely? You're not planning on putting any on me, are you? I mean, now that you have me lying defenceless on my back..."

((There's a horrible pick-up line regarding that choice of words XD))
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